CrowdHandler News - Page 5

woocommerce waiting room queue0 WooCommerce waiting room success As our customers begin to prepare for fall and winter sales, you can rest assured: if you’re using CrowdHandler with WooCommerce, your site is in safe hands. Here are just a few of the ways in which CrowdHandler supports WooCommerce waiting room success.

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virtual queue autotune0 A deep dive into Autotune CrowdHandler’s design is based on extensive experience of managing busy non-sales. Here, we take a deep dive into one of its exclusive features: Autotune rate management. Find out how Autotune works, and why we wouldn't recommend operating a major on-sale

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additional security features fingerprinting anomaly detection0 Additional security features: Device Fingerprinting and Anomaly Detection Attracting the wrong kind of crowd? We’ll handle it. This month, we’re taking CAPTCHA support out of beta and introducing two additional security features: Device Fingerprinting and Anomaly Detection.

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akamai edgeworkers integration0 Feature announcement: Akamai EdgeWorkers integration for CrowdHandler Now, businesses that use Akamai can easily install and implement a CrowdHandler virtual waiting room, using Akamai's EdgeWorkers.

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stock availability0 New feature: live availability for your drops For customers who use CrowdHandler to control access to a limited edition product, we have introduced a new feature that will dramatically improve your drop: Stock Availability.

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best way to integrate waiting room queue0 What's the best way to integrate your CrowdHandler virtual waiting room? Want to build a CrowdHandler waiting room into your solution? We’ve summed up the options so that you can discover the best way to integrate a virtual queuing system.

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