CrowdHandler News - Page 3

beis flash sales case study0 Watching the BÉIS line: flash sales case study Travel essentials brand BÉIS partnered with CrowdHandler to develop fully integrated, customised flash sales that not only matched BÉIS' effortlessly cool designs - but customer expectations too.

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waiting room queue for shopify drops0 Waiting room queue for Shopify drops We’ve developed a dedicated CrowdHandler integration for our Shopify customers, giving you better protection and allowing you to show real time product availability updates to your users.

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holiday sale waiting room0 Using CrowdHandler in your holiday sales strategy This year, rather than choosing between huge discounts and 'drop' sales, why not use CrowdHandler to offer the best of both? Not only will you get people through the door, you'll ensure everyone gets a VIP experience.

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waiting room email notifications0 New feature: email notifications When users enter the waiting room, it can be disheartening to see a large position number and a long estimated wait. Now, rather than sitting glued to the screen, users can enter an email address and receive an email the moment they are put through.

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auto scaling with crowdhandler0 Could it be magic? Auto-scaling with CrowdHandler Why would you need a waiting room solution when you can just use a magical, infinitely scaling cloud? Because the truth is: unlimited expansion doesn't exist. Find out why, no matter how prepared you are, five minutes of madness could still crash your app

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ip security bots0 Winning the battle against bots In the last six months, we've been using shared intelligence from CrowdHandler's suite of security features to make even more improvements. Find out how anomaly detection and IP filtering work hand-in-hand to help customers all over the world win the batt

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