CrowdHandler News - Page 3

auto scaling with crowdhandler0 Could it be magic? Auto-scaling with CrowdHandler Why would you need a waiting room solution when you can just use a magical, infinitely scaling cloud? Because the truth is: unlimited expansion doesn't exist. Find out why, no matter how prepared you are, five minutes of madness could still crash your app

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ip security bots0 Winning the battle against bots In the last six months, we've been using shared intelligence from CrowdHandler's suite of security features to make even more improvements. Find out how anomaly detection and IP filtering work hand-in-hand to help customers all over the world win the batt

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one in one out problems0 The problem with One In, One Out For website owners, the concept of One In, One Out seems so logical, it's hard to envisage traffic being managed any other way. But configured wrong it can result in long wait times, frustrated customers, and crashed servers. Find out why One In, One Out

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online queue spa0 Waiting rooms for SPAs (Single Page Applications) Yes, you can protect your single page application (SPA) with an online queue system. Find out how to integrate CrowdHandler with your SPA to protect it against excessive traffic and maintain a smooth user experience.

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digital agencies0 CrowdHandler: the digital agency’s ally It’s no secret that most digital agencies would rather be focusing on branding and user experience than last-minute scalability concerns. Installing CrowdHandler means you can leave the worries to us and focus on your specialism instead.

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crowdhandler education0 CrowdHandler for education Registration for examinations or online courses, ticket sales for conferences and symposiums, and enrolment for summer camps: just some of the ways our clients in the education and academic sectors are finding a virtual queuing system useful.

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